PVP mode 1st release
Hello, drunkards! Before we start to talk about PVP mode, let’s talk about Scavenging. We have several updates for today:
- We’ve fixed the hash power of each robot
- Now you can see the hash power on the robot card
- We’ve increased the amount of daily $JUNK distribution from 1500 up to 7500
Also, notice that you can’t use the same robot for both activities at the same time.
Now let’s move on to PVP mode. BTW, it’s available right now in our dashboard, but below we’ve provided some useful information. We are going to disclose the combat flow, but notice that some elements are currently not involved, such as the use of abilities, this will be introduced in the version with visualization.
These are the main elements and their parameters in PVP mode:
- Energy restore / hour — 8.33
- Energy for one battle — 20
- Energy max — 100
- Small booze restore energy — 40
- Big booze restore energy — 100
- Season length / days — 30
- Basic Tax — 30%
- Min Tax — 15%
- $JUNK daily pool — 2000
We’ve prepared the user guide for you on the main elements,how they work and what they are responsible for, please take a look in order to get a full understanding.
Finally, you can join PVP mode right from the dashboard — Play Now!
Stay tuned and follow our digests and social networks for more updates!
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/drunk_robots
- Discord : https://discord.com/invite/drunk-robots
- Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/DrunkRobotsGame
- Medium : https://drunk-robots.medium.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drunk_robots/